Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Recent Revelations

Gawd, it's been a while. For anyone reading this who isn't a close friend or acquaintance, I just recently started a new job. Between that, my wife's new job, a 2 year-old, and only one car between the 3 of has been pretty hectic and fairly game/Facebook/blog-free. However, today I had some interesting thoughts that I just needed to share.

1) Nintendo 3DS
Goo. I came across an article on IGN the other day that compared screenshot from the upcoming 3DS remakes of some classic games to the originals and they BLEW ME AWAY. This little handheld gaming system not only does 3D, takes 3D PICTURES, and requires no glasses, but it has Wii level graphics -- or arguably even better in some cases.

The other day I was talking to someone who was looking at getting an iPod Touch (which is practically an iPhone 4 without the phone) instead of a DS for their son. I had to keep my mouth shut because they were badmouthing the DS in favor of the iPod Touch for games (don't get me wrong, the Touch is great for games...depending on what type of gaming you want to do). However, I had an overwhelming urge to just blurt out, "Just wait until your son finds out about the 3DS..." This thing is going to change the mobile gaming market in ways we can't even imagine. I myself want to get one simply for the 3D remake of Ocarina of Time, one of my favorite games of all time. Then, another chance to play MGS3: Snake Eater which I missed most of the first time around is also fantastic. Before the 3DS, the idea of 3D gaming at this point in time with the current technology and price point sounded prohibitively expensive and cumbersome -- although really cool. The 3DS is going to make 3D gaming not only easy and relatively inexpensive (official release date and price point in US has not been officially released), it would make it a cinch to take anywhere. Kudos, Nintendo. If nothing else, you sure as hell know how to innovate the game market.

2) Top hats, cogs, and steam, oh my!
This week's episode of Castle revolved around Steampunk enthusiasts. Now, I've been a big fan of Steampunk for quite sometime, even though I lack the ingenuity and engineering prowess to design/make my own Steampunk gear. Nevertheless, I love the idea of it all...but Steampunk is still a fairly underrepresented subculture in media. Being video game enthusiast hoping to get into design and development...I had an idea.

The idea of Steampunk could lend to a really rich and interesting video game world. The original idea I had was an action RPG in which players could not only customize their appearance and playstyle with weapons and clothing/armor...they could design their own Steampunk-style weapons and outfits. In said episode of Castle, Nathan Fillion's character dons an sleeve covered in gears, cogs and pistons. In terms of game play, such an item could not only add some armor to a character, but increase strength and/or agility. Weapons could be melee, with added derringer-style one-shot gun barrels for added damage. The ideas are only limited by imagination.

The more I thought about this, the more I thought that and RPG style game of some sort would really fit the Steampunk culture. Why? A large part of Steampunk, from what I've seen, is the RP (role-playing) aspect. Thus, I imagine and open world game...very possibly an MMO. So, players could not only customize their characters with gear, but build vehicles for travel, and socialize with others. Of course, there are a still a lot of details to build upon yet, but the concept is still fairly attractive, if you ask me. I'd sure as hell give it a shot if one were made.

3) Speaking of MMOs...
A buddy of mine from high school recently posted on his Facebook wall how Final Fantasy XIV is getting really poor scores. Honestly, I'm not surprised -- but that's a another rant for another time. I currently don't play any MMOs, since I quit WoW back in April. I didn't quit because I disliked the game itself, I quit because I just couldn't stand the attitude of post players anymore. Before I launch into another rant, I'll leave that subject where it is for now. As of now, for me at least, I'm waiting for The Old Republic because my wife and I are big Star Wars geeks. But, seeing as how that isn't coming out until the "Spring of 2011," I'm remaining celibate. However, if I were to break that vow of celibacy there are only two games currently on the market that are attractive enough tempt me in to a new subscription: EVE Online and City of Heroes/Villains. Again...this is another rant for another time.

The point here is that the MMO market is beyond huge, thanks to WoW. And along with my Steampunk MMO idea, I've had a couple other ideas for some potentially huge MMOs. One I've had for quite some time, and one actually spawned in my head this morning from an online ad.
  • Pokemon -- This universe is just begging for an MMO. I understand that the way the Pokemon games are released as of now is great marketing...but come on! With each new generation, the developers are leaving out some critters from previous generations, letting you only experience a fraction of the entire catalog. I, as a casual dabbler of Pokemon, would love to shell out the dough for the most current Pokemon game, but this fact is my biggest stumbling point. I hate feeling as if I have purposefully bought into something and knowing that I was being deprived of the FULL experience. A Pokemon MMO doesn't even need to be graphically impressive. Keep the gameplay the way it is, give players access to each region with its full Pokedex catalog, and wham-bam -- instant phenomenon. Walk up to another trainer for a duel, or party up and do a group battle. Have ranked tournaments to see who's the true Master. Don't tell me this doesn't sound fantastic. You know you want it.
  • Harry Potter -- Yet another huge franchise with an excessively large fanbase. This could be a bit more of a traditional, class-based MMORPG. However, as I am still in the process of reading these books, I can't really think too much about how characters could customize their character's abilities/class or how the classes would be categorized/defined. However, there is a rich world here with plenty to explore and ways for players to interact, explore and make it their own. Start as a first year at Hogwarts as a legacy pureblood, Muggle-born, or with a mixed heritage, get sorted by the Sorting Hat, progress and age through your 7 years at Hogwarts in your respective House, then graduate and find your place in the wizarding world. Even fight off threats such as Deathspeakers attempting to bring back Voldemort or even larger threats. Again, it's a huge universe that Rowling has created and I think it could work really, really well. Heck, the more I think about it...they more I'm starting to like it.

Anyway, I better call it quits for now. Gotta get to work soon. Until then, Gnome out.

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