Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Beginning of Something Great

Welcome, one and all, to Atomic Gnome Games, the newest gaming blog in town!

Now, I know there are plenty of gaming blogs out there. Granted, I know that the idea of such a thing is not in and of itself anything groundbreaking. However, as a burgeoning game designer/programmer/whatever, I thought this would be a great place to share my thoughts and insights about games and video gaming as a whole. I will post some reviews from time to time, but I think a lot of this will just musings.

About Me
I have been a gamer nearly my entire life. My very first gaming memories came in the form of a Commodore 64, followed shortly by an Atari 2600. I dabbled on other people's NES consoles from time to time, but the first console I owned and could call my own was a Sega Genesis. I spent countless hours with Sonic 2, Toejam and Earl, and various other classics. My next console, after quite a few years with my Genesis and a short hiatus because of money issues (I was 13, give me a break), I purchased a Playstation. I spent quite a few years with that, before I sold it as well to trade up for a PS2. I continued to stay loyal to Sony until I got my grubby hands on an Xbox. I was torn between two worlds, and I must admit, I really could not pick one or the other. When the next upgrade was due, oddly enough, I got a Wii before a 360. The motion controls seemed like too good of an opportunity for great games. But, the 360 came about year later, and the PS3 about a year or so after that. There is also a lime green DS floating around my apartment that is still awaiting its obligatory Pokemon title (don't judge me, those games are too damn addictive). There was a period where I used to do A LOT of PC gaming, but nowadays my PC is mostly reserved for the occasional RTS and MMO. And pretty much where it stands now.

However, there is one more recent development -- or epiphany -- that has happened the past few months. Since moving to Austin in search of work in film, something has become quite clear to me. I still love radio, television and film, and would never turn down a good opportunity in those fields, because that is what I went to college for. But, I realized that through all of the goals I've had, all the careers I've wanted do get into, there has been one constant: Games. The thought of becoming a game tester occurred to me in high school, but I dismissed it as being too far-fetched. Living in Austin though, and having matured quite a bit, I've realized that my love of games could not only make me a tester, but possibly more.

Enough about me for now. I'm sure some more of these little details will sneak out in other posts in the future. I've got quite a bit to talk about, since E3 was last week and all, but it shall have to wait for a little bit. Thanks for checking out the blog, and keep watching for more updates.

Gnome, out.

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